What Are You Going To Do About It

Published: {ts '2011-07-09 00:00:00'}
Author: Steven Neiland
Site Url: http://www.neiland.net/article/what-are-you-going-to-do-about-it/

Are you proud of your nation? Do you think you will still have a job in a years time? Do you think your children have a future?

People need to wake up. Every single nation in the developed world is currently being robbed by its bankers and politicians.

They say that things are getting better, but even people who have worked all their lives are being thrown on the garbage pile while our taxes go to pay the private debts of the banks.

What Happened To The American Dream

More information about this video and its makers can be found at http://www.theamericandreamfilm.com/

We Were Warned

While most people were blissfully unaware of what was coming, a few free thinkers actually questioned the status quo. Even in Ireland some economists tried to warn us what was going to happen, a whole 10 years before it did. Yet we ignored them.

Its The Bankers Or Us

So what are you going to do?