So anyone who is a regular reader of my blog (I'm sure there is at least one) will have noticed I've been very quiet recently.
Well I'm just checking in to let everyone know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth completely. Truthfully up until a few days ago I was finishing off a rather large side job that took up all the time I normally devote to blogging (I'm a slow writer so a single entry can take me several hours).
I was actually planning on restarting my blog tonight, but a few things have happened recently that are making me reevaluate where I'm going with my life. I don't want to go into any more details right now as my head isn't quite there at the moment. Maybe in a few months I will be in a position to speak more openly about everything.
Anyway, in the mean time I am going to try ease myself back into blogging over the holiday so that things should start happening here again. No promises but I'll try get back into the routine soon.