As a follow up on last weeks post about an incompatibility between Railo and Adobe when reading a remote file. Today I am going to demonstrate how I use to generate the QR Code on my article print view.
As it turns out ColdFusion and bitly make it very easy to generate and output a QR Code. I have broken it down into four steps.
Before we can get started we first need to create an account with bitly. Once the account is created you will get a username and api key.
With these now create a component named bitly.cfc and create the following initialization function in it. The use of the third argument will become clear later on.
With the component setup we must now create another function in the bitly component that can take the original long url and shorten it using the api.
When creates a shortened url it also creates a QR Code for it automatically. All we need to do now is read it using cfhttp. The QR Code is accessed using this address pattern:
Plugging this into a function in our bitly component we get this. Note how the isRailo flag is used to deal with the previously discussed incompatibility between ACF and Railo.
Finally with the byte array of the qr code image returned we need to output it to the screen. This is done with a simple call to cfimage.
You will notice that I am doing a check to see that the qrcode bytearray is not empty (i.e. The service request succeeded). I am using toString() to convert the bytearray value into a simple string that CF can compare against an empty string.
Finally we can test our completed bitly component and output method.
Long Url: #longUrl #
Shortened Url: #shortUrl#
QR Code: