One of the new features I rolled last week on my site is an embedded QR code in the print layout. To do this I use cfhttp to pull the corresponding qr code image file of some shortened url from the bitly service. I then either store it in the database for later retrieval or output it directly to the browser.
However when I deployed this feature to my server I encountered a small incompatibility between the way Railo and Adobe ColdFusion use cfhttp to return a bytearray.
Here is the code I used to accomplish this on my local machine which runs Adobe ColdFusion.
Note how on the second line I call toByteArray() on the filecontent value. This is necessary because as I understand it in ACF "fileContent" contains a ByteArrayOutputStream Object.
When I deployed this code from my developer machine running Adobe ColdFusion to my server which runs Railo I got this error on trying to call the toByteArray() method.
After a little searching around I discovered that in Railo there is no toByteArray() method because it simply is not needed. The filecontent variable is already a true byte array so all I had to do was drop the toByteArray() call.
Its a small but significant difference.