With the recent release of Railo4 I have decided to switch from ColdFusion to Railo as my primary development cfml engine. This comes at a good time for me as I just built myself a new development machine so I am starting with a clean environment.
Now I have installed Railo on linux multiple times without any issue, and likewise on windows machines running IIS. However my new development machine runs on windows but uses Apache httpd instead of IIS. This is a problem as it seems the windows installer does not have an option for installing the apache connector. So here is how you install the connector manually.
This guide assumes you have already installed apache httpd and railo using their installers.
The first step is obviously to get the The Apache Tomcat Connector from the tomcat website. Note that there are different connectors for different versions of Apache. I run apache 2.2 so I downloaded tomcat-connectors-1.2.37-windows-i386-httpd-2.2.x.zip file from the Windows Binaries section.
Extract the downloaded zip file and then copy mod_jk{version number}.so to "{apache install dir}/modules/mod_jk.so"
With the module file saved open the httpd.conf file and add the follow code block to the LoadModules section.
LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
With the httpd.conf file still open, go to the bottom of the file and copy in this code block to configure apache to pass cfml files to tomcat for processing.
JkMount /*.cfm ajp13
JkMount /*.cfc ajp13
JkMount /*.do ajp13
JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /*.cfchart ajp13
JkMount /*.cfres ajp13
JkMount /*.cfm/* ajp13
JkMount /*.cfml/* ajp13
JkMountCopy all
JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
JkShmFile logs/mod_jk.shm
One final step. Still in the httpd.conf file, locate the DirectoryIndex command and add index.cfm to the list of files to server as a directory index.
DirectoryIndex index.cfm index.html
Save these changes and restart the httpd service. You should now be up and running.
This is not really related to this problem but I'm putting it in as a note for myself.
I created a "test.localhost" domain with the folder being located in my user workspace. When I accessed the site with http://test.localhost/ i got a 403, yet when I went to http://test.localhost/index.cfm it worked. The problem was I had not allowed indexes for my workspace folder where I normally put my projects.
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all