Warning: This blog entry was written two or more years ago. Therefore, it may contain broken links, out-dated or misleading content, or information that is just plain wrong. Please read on with caution.
Step 4: Configure and Install
We now need to configure the source and make it. Fortunately we dont need to add any configuration options. Simply cd into the couchdb directory and run the configure, make and make install commands.
cd /usr/local/apache-couchdb-1.0.2
make install
Step 5: Change Ownership And Set Permissions of the CouchDB Directories
We now set the ownership of the created couchdb directories and set the execution permission so that the couchdb user can run the couchdb application.
chown -R couchdb:couchdb /usr/local/etc/couchdb
chown -R couchdb:couchdb /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb
chown -R couchdb:couchdb /usr/local/var/log/couchdb
chown -R couchdb:couchdb /usr/local/var/run/couchdb
chmod -R 0770 /usr/local/etc/couchdb
chmod -R 0770 /usr/local/var/lib/couchdb
chmod -R 0770 /usr/local/var/log/couchdb
chmod -R 0770 /usr/local/var/run/couchdb
Step 6: Run Manually To Test
If we have done everything correctly we should now be able to start CouchDB manually using the following command. We should get a message that "Apache CouchDB has started, time to Relax".
sudo -i -u couchdb couchdb -b
With CouchDB running point your web browser to You should be presented with the CouchDB utility screen.
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