Dynamic Paging In SQL Server Stored Procedures - page 3

Author: Steven Neiland

Warning: This blog entry was written two or more years ago. Therefore, it may contain broken links, out-dated or misleading content, or information that is just plain wrong. Please read on with caution.

Getting The Desired Range Of Rows

Finally once we have numbered the rows we simply select out the ones that match our desired range. To do this we wrap the previous SQL in another SELECT and filter by the startRow and endRow ranges.

-- Return the records in the specified range
      ,@maxRowNumber as maxRowNumber
       -- Apply row numbering (this is also where sorting takes place)
            ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(
                  ORDER BY
                  -- START UGLY HACK --
                  --For each column we would like sortable create two case statements (one for ASC and one for DESC)
                  CASE WHEN lower(@orderCol) = 'userid' AND lower(@orderDir) = 'asc' THEN userId END ASC
                  ,CASE WHEN lower(@orderCol) = 'userid' AND lower(@orderDir) = 'desc' THEN userId END DESC
                  ,CASE WHEN lower(@orderCol) = 'username' AND lower(@orderDir) = 'asc' THEN username END ASC
                  ,CASE WHEN lower(@orderCol) = 'username' AND lower(@orderDir) = 'desc' THEN username END DESC
                  -- END UGLY HACK --
            ) AS rowNumber
      FROM (      
            -- Get all records that match the filter criteria
            FROM dbo.users
            --put filtering conditions (excluding row number limits) here
            (@nameLike IS NULL OR username LIKE '%'+ @nameLike + '%')
      ) AS x1
) AS x2
      rowNumber BETWEEN @startRow AND @endRow

You will note that we also included the value of the @maxRowNumber variable to the records we return at this stage. The first time the stored procedure is called, the default row number range will be passed to get some results to display on the first page. However to work out the appropriate paging mechanism the application will need know how many subsequent records exist.

The Final Code

Putting everything together we end up with the following code for our stored procedure.

-- =============================================
-- Author: Steven Neiland
-- Description:      Returns a paged of user records
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.proc_getUsersPaged
      @orderCol varchar(50),
      @orderDir varchar(4),
      @startRow int,
      @endRow int,
      @nameLike varchar(50) = null

      -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
      -- interfering with SELECT statements.
      -- Declare variables
      DECLARE @maxRowNum INT

      -- Get the total number of records matching the filter criteria
      SELECT @maxRowNum = COUNT(*)
      FROM dbo.users
      --put filtering conditions (excluding row number limits) here
      (@nameLike IS NULL OR @nameLike LIKE '%'+ @nameLike + '%')
      -- Return the records in the specified range
            ,@maxRowNumber as maxRowNumber
      FROM (
             -- Apply row numbering (this is also where sorting takes place)
                  ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(
                        ORDER BY
                        -- START UGLY HACK --
                        --For each column we would like sortable create two case statements (one for ASC and one for DESC)
                        CASE WHEN lower(@orderCol) = 'userid' AND lower(@orderDir) = 'asc' THEN userId END ASC
                        ,CASE WHEN lower(@orderCol) = 'userid' AND lower(@orderDir) = 'desc' THEN userId END DESC
                        ,CASE WHEN lower(@orderCol) = 'username' AND lower(@orderDir) = 'asc' THEN username END ASC
                        ,CASE WHEN lower(@orderCol) = 'username' AND lower(@orderDir) = 'desc' THEN username END DESC
                        -- END UGLY HACK --
                  ) AS rowNumber
            FROM (      
                  -- Get all records that match the filter criteria
                  FROM dbo.users
                  --put filtering conditions (excluding row number limits) here
                  (@nameLike IS NULL OR username LIKE '%'+ @nameLike + '%')
            ) AS x1
      ) AS x2
            rowNumber BETWEEN @startRow AND @endRow
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