Warning: This blog entry was written two or more years ago. Therefore, it may contain broken links, out-dated or misleading content, or information that is just plain wrong. Please read on with caution.
Step 3: Add Dynamic Content
Now that the sitemap is being served by coldfusion we can add to it dynamically. Here I will demonstrate how I add some blog entries to the listing.
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true" showdebugoutput="false">
<cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8">
<cfquery name="demo" datasource="mydatasource">
url, dateupdated
from blog
limit 5
<cfoutput><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cfloop query="demo">
As you can see its a simple matter of getting some data and outputting it. Note the use of dateformat to output a valid date for the lastmod child node. Finally there is one last step we can do.
Reader Comments
Friday, December 18, 2015 at 3:37:43 PM Coordinated Universal Time
Are you available for assignment to redefine out sitemap code for the website as listed above?
David Tananbaum, Pesident
AtPrime media Services